GDPR. A deep dive into delivering privacy policy

A privacy policy is a statement of how the website operator collects, stores, protects and utilizes its users’ personal data.

Much of the consumer data is gathered automatically with the delivery of cookies, yet there are other, more obvious tools, including sign-up forms, newsletter subscriptions, new account registrations, and more.

Every user has a right to their privacy and to understand how businesses will use their information. It’s also their right to retract their decisions at any point navigating your website.

A privacy policy outlines all the elements required to comply with the latest data privacy laws.

GDPR. How do I add a privacy policy to my website?

Many modern website systems feature automated placements, implementing the legal policies to your website framework, yet others will rely on you to create your pages and insert them manually.

There are plenty of templates and online generators that will show you how to make a privacy policy for your website, delivering a document specific to your operations on completion.

If you’re unsure of exactly what you need, how to create a privacy policy specific to your business, or where to host it, the following information should steer you in the right direction. If you’d like a more personal touch or specific answers to how our system can help you develop and manage your company privacy policy, we’d love to help.

GDPR. Organizing cookie and privacy policies

How to add a cookie policy to a website is a very similar process. In some cases, a single directory will contain both policies and the links to each feature in most of the same places.

Why do websites show cookie policy separate to privacy policy? Well, with websites legally having to gain consent for their site cookies before they deliver them and activate the functions they control, they have grown into a considerable area of data privacy.

There’s a lot to cover, so it makes sense for providers to create separate policies for cookie use and delivery, and that of general data processing through other means, such as contact forms and mailing lists.

How to write a company privacy policy

According to GDPR, privacy policies must be:

To collect information directly from an individual, a privacy policy must include:

The most typical elements you’ll see covered by standard privacy policies, therefore, are as follows. However, depending on the data you gather, and how you use it, there are often areas unique to specific business practices that aren’t covered below.

GDPR. Privacy policy best practices

Your users need to understand exactly what’s good and bad practice, and the wrong and right ways of delivering information.

Be direct, instructional, and informative, leaving no room for doubt. Qualifiers such as may, might, some, and often should be replaced with will, won’t, must, mustn’t, all, none, always, and never.

If you plan to use the data for research or develop new services, you must be clear when describing the type of research and what each new service is intended to provide.

You should write in clear, easy to understand English (or the native language for the website). Using legal or technical jargon is frowned upon, as your users won’t necessarily be specialists in your industry.

Always aim to write in the active tense using well-structured sentences and paragraphs.

Clear and defined headings make documents easier to navigate, while bullet lists deliver easier to digest information than large text blocks.

How to add a privacy policy to your website or app

The following suggestions outline the essential placements for links to your policy page. Ideally, you should try to provide access from every page of your website or app, as your policy needs to be easily accessible to visitors at all times. This promotes transparency and inspires trust. Not only that, more often than not, it’s a legal requirement.

In footer links: Traditionally, most privacy policy links will be found in the footer menu, appearing on every page the site. They could even sit with the legal details on the copyright line. This provides the instant access your visitors need, wherever they are within the site.

On sign-up forms: Another good practice is including the link to your privacy policy in the small print at the bottom of sign-up forms. This assures new subscribers that you’re acting according to appropriate laws and practices.

Checkout pages: Given the additional personal data collected from a consumer during a sale, many vendors will include their privacy policy at some point in the process. A privacy policy link will often appear alongside terms of service, cancellation, refund, and shipping policies.

Cookie consent banners: Cookie consent banners and pop-ups are now standard components on all websites, allowing the website operators to deliver the functionality they intend for their visitors and deliver the information they legally need.

Sign-in pages: Signing in or signing up to new services requires your personal data. Including a privacy policy link on these pages is another a healthy reminder of your users’ rights.

About menus: Where a website has a dropdown menu containing all of the company history and legislation information, this is another appropriate location for your privacy policy link.

How often should a privacy policy be updated?

The way we do business during the modern climate changes from one day to the next, and the way we expect our websites to keep up has become part of everyday life. If any of the systems we add, develop, instigate or amend, affect the way we gather or use our customer or subscriber data, then it must be reflected in the company policy.

Reviewing a privacy policy should be a regular practice, and wherever change is required, you must update your policy immediately. If you fail to keep it up to date, you could be in danger of breaking the terms you’re legally required to uphold.

Updating users and subscribers

You may be legally required to notify your users of updates. Even where that does not apply to your business, it’s still good practice and should be part of your process.

The primary overseers of data protection and privacy all require updates and notifications, each of which will leave organizations open to penalties if they fail to follow legislation.

It’s also an opportunity to engage with customers, clients, and subscribers with any additional messages you may want to share with them.

Email notifications, pop-ups, and site banner delivery

You can notify users and subscribers in a few different ways. Your website’s cookie consent generally operates as a banner or pop-up message, so another inclusion asking your visitors to review your policy could be the simplest way of highlighting them to it. In other schools of thought, it’s just one more task for your visitors to wade through before they can finally access the content they want to read.

Alternatively, you could fire out an email to all subscribers and customers, or add a blog or news page with the latest news. A link featured prominently on your homepage is enough to promote updates—that way it won’t interfere with your visitor’s ability to navigate freely through to the required content.

Wrapping things up…

With regulations for data protection and compliance playing such a vital role in today’s websites, isn’t it time that you handed over the hard work to a system that’s quick and easy to deploy and simple to use?

PrivacyRun delivers the efficient and cost-effective solution every business needs to manage its website users’ personal data.

Our solutions are compliant with CCPA and GDPR, helping users worldwide to stay within the limits of the law, avoiding penalties and hefty fines.

If you’d like to know more about how PrivacyRun works and the vital benefits it can deliver to your business, we’d love a chance to tell you all about it. Why not give one of our team a call today, or drop us an email and we’ll get back to you at an appropriate break in your schedule.

Personal data protection has managed to push itself to the forefront of how we do business, deliver information, and collect useful particulars of the people we do—and would like to do—business with.

With the rise of the Internet and its fast-paced growth, our information is more accessible than ever. Handing over names, addresses, and bank details are all definite candidates for protection. Yet, recently the CCPA and GDPR legislation has been compacted to protect us against any personal data breach, whether we’re visiting websites or physical businesses.

We’re here to look into what that personal data is, the difference between GDPR vs CCPA collections, the deadlines for data provision and removal, and of course, how our PrivacyRun tool will help keep you ahead of the curve at all times.

First, though, for anyone not in the know, what is GDPR and CCPA? Well, they’re the legislative acts that define how consumer data is monitored and regulated. The acronyms stand for General Data Protection Regulation and California Consumer Privacy Act.

GDPR is European legislation, and one of the most in-depth measures to control data throughout the world. It’s become the standard for the rest of the world to follow.

What about the CCPA? Why only California consumers?

In the absence of an overall US law or regulation to contain data use, selling, and privacy in the States, the CCPA is the best they’ve got.

What are the GDPR and CCPA data rights?

Both organizations provide the data subject with similar rights, yet we’d be remiss if we didn’t outline the CCPA and GDPR differences.

The basic CCPA vs GDPR data rights are shown below.

So, how is CCPA different than GDPR when it comes to each of these rights? We’ll look at each one in a little detail to expand on what they mean.

Right to erasure

A consumer or data subject has the right to deletion unless in very specific circumstances. From the CCPA, the data needs to have been collected from the consumer to apply.

Exceptions from both legislations include freedom of speech, processing of personal data for research purposes, legal claims, and when complying with a legal obligation.

Right to be informed

The consumer or data subject also has the right to be informed at the point where their data is collected and processed. The information must include the categories of data, the purpose of its processing and the rights of the consumer. The CCPA demands that the ‘Do
Not Sell My Personal Information Page’ link is included on any inclusion where the business intends to sell or transmit the data to a third party.

Right to object

All consumers and data subjects have the right to opt-out of such data processing or selling. The CCPA, again, demands the inclusion of the ‘Do Not Sell My Personal Information’ link.
The GDPR stipulates that there should be several ways to opt-out of processing, by withdrawing consent or exercising their right to object.

Right of access

Another stipulation is the access and full visibility of the data that’s collected about each individual. Where access is granted, the information must be available to be transmitted back to the individual electronically, in a portable and useable format.

This pocket of information includes:

The CCPA also specifies consumers have the right to the categories of third parties their data has been shared with.

Right not to be subject to discrimination for the exercise of rights

This is a hard and fast rule of the CCPA, whereas, with the GDPR, it’s not exclusive. Yes, you can find provisions in several areas of GDPR that amount to a similar thing, more along the lines of discriminatory consequences derived from the processing of their data.

The CCPA, with its definite scope, protects the use of consumer data to prevent being denied goods or services. It also prevents consumers from being charged different prices or rates for goods and services, provided a different level of quality for the same, or even to have it suggested that they’d receive different prices and rates.

Right to data portability

Both laws offer fairly consistent rules and values about portability. The CCPA sees it as a right to access, while the GDPR considers it a separate and distinctive right.

What they do agree on is that data subjects and consumers have a right to a structured, easily transmitted, and machine-readable format of their data.

Applications require replies in specific timeframes, of which we’re about to detail.

Compare GDPR and CCPA notice periods and active timescales

Right to erasure, right to data portability—notice periods and timescales

Both legislations allow the deletion of individuals’ data apart from where specific exceptions apply. The deletion applies to any data collected from the consumer. The rights are very similar, only the timescales and a few other specifics differ.

GDPR versus CCPA timeframes:

GDPR – Requests for removal must be replied to within 1 month of the data subject’s request. This deadline can be extended a further 2 months in complex cases with large numbers of requests. However, the deadline must be outlined in the initial reply.

CCPA – Requests for removal must be replied to within 45 days of the consumer’s request. This deadline can be extended a further 45 days when reasonably necessary. Again, the extension must be outlined in the initial reply.

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How PrivacyRun manages GDPR and CCPA compliance to keep you within the boundaries of legislation

PrivacyRun is the perfect solution to these CCPA GDPR problems. It’s fully compliant and built to make sure your business avoids missing deadlines—then becoming subject to the hefty penalties and fines.

It’s a personal data administrator’s optimum tool to monitor deadlines, responses, requests, and more.

The system dashboard delivers everything you’ll need in an easy to understand and digest presentation. It’s not just numbers and lists—it’s a clean and clear depiction of your process, including when and how your consumer requests are getting processed.

You’ll find neatly delivered graphs, sectioned and detailed with everything you need. PrivacyRun ecompasses consent management, data subject rights automation, personal data inventory and data mapping, all incidents of personal data breaches, and DPIA risk analysis. It covers both EU and US issues, and everywhere around the world where your data may arrive from or end up.

If you run several companies, we’ve got that covered too. Our compliance solution tool manages each organization independently, making sure you monitor and maintain your best practices, avoiding any failures in your data protection government.

Given the penalties of failing to adhere to regulations, can you afford not to have such a system in place?

And that brings us on to the CCPA GDPR differences in enforcement.

Enforcement of broken GDPR CCPA legislation

When it comes to enforcement, it’s not an area to be taken lightly. Those who fail to comply with the laws are at the hands of the US Attorney General and the National Data Protection Authorities.

Both authorities have different investigatory and enforcement powers, yet the fines are considerable, and avoidable with suitable best practices in place.

The difference between GDPR and CCPA fines are as follows:

The GDPR penalties for non-compliance can be up to 2% of the business annual turnover or €10 million, whichever is higher—or 4% of the global annual turnover or €20 million, whichever is higher.

The different fine rates depend on the violation under investigation.

The CCPA delivers civil penalties issued by a court, and, again, depending on the violation, you may be fined $2,500 for each accidental violation or $7,500 for each intentional violation.

There is no maximum amount set by the CCPA for the imposition of several penalties for each violation.

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Damages for individuals pursuing privacy violations

As if the penalties outlined above weren’t trouble enough, both bodies provide data subjects and consumers with the right to seek damages.

How is CCPA different from GDPR when it comes to costing violations? The GDPR allows action to be taken against any violation of the law, where the CCPA only provides cause for failure of security measures in context of data breaches.

The GDPR doesn’t outline potential figures for damages, that will be left to the adjudicating bodies.

The CCPA ruling only permits that non-encrypted and non-redacted personal information is subject to unauthorized access and exfiltration, theft, or disclosure as a result of the business’s violation of security obligations.

The damages in such circumstances are to be no less than $100 or greater that $750 per consumer per incident, or a cost covered by actual damages—whichever is greater.


Looking into how GDPR vs CCPA chart their differences across their legislation, it’s easy to see plenty of similarities—but the overriding fact is that if you break the rules, you’ll pay for it.

Whether that’s missing deadlines for communication, selling data you shouldn’t, or failing to implement the correct information on your data collection points—they all add up to the same thing—costly penalties that you could have avoided.

PrivacyRun can help prevent all of that. It’s there to make sure you’ve got the systems to manage every piece of data and information within the remits of the law and the structures that govern them. If you don’t want to be caught short, then we suggest you speak to one of our team as soon as possible.

We put our all into everything we do. Because of that, we guarantee that our solutions are built to protect you—now, and far into the future.

First things first: what is multi-tenant software?

In the simplest of terms, a multi-tenant installation, when it comes to a piece of software or digital system is one that manages all of the associated businesses, companies, or organizations under the umbrella of the organization’s top-level administration.

Of course, for such a group of companies, there are distinct advantages to running their operations as separate entities instead of one huge corporation. On the flip side, there are always going to be a few disadvantages thrown into the mix to balance things out.

We’re here to consider the latest wave of privacy laws, data management, and their regulations. Whether you’re a sole operator or a host of interconnected businesses, the new rules and regulations apply.

If you’re not playing ball with the latest legislation, you could stand to face some pretty hefty fines. You might prefer managing your data requests company to company, or all at once with a tool that operates along the lines of the aforementioned model.

PrivacyRun handles precisely these issues and areas. Our cutting-edge data privacy software runs everything you need it to, seamlessly and effortlessly. We’re going to tell you exactly just how much simpler it stands to make a life for its data administrators and officers. Also, how much peace of mind it will bring to your lawyers and accountants when it comes to dodging those mighty data breach penalties.

Managing data under the latest GDPR and CCPA regulations

GDPR and CCPA have been with us for a few years now: GDPR since 2018, and CCPA since January 2020. We were given plenty of warnings and provided with the guidelines—all well in advance. That should have provided the time we needed to adjust our systems into operating within the new policies and the new laws that govern us.

But did we? And what were those new regulations we needed to be most aware of? Well, the main ones to sit up and take notice of were about how we collect data, how we make our data sources aware that it’s being collected, how we provide them with the access to it that they’re permitted, and not using all that information we’ve gathered in any way that isn’t considered sensitive or acceptable.

That said, there were plenty of the biggest names to pay the price of not taking the changes seriously enough. Just ask Marriott and Google. They both made assumptions that as US companies, they didn’t apply to the latest European legislation. However, with masses of data coming from users throughout Europe, they’ve been struck with penalties of $123 million and $56 million, respectively. What a wake-up call. And not only for them. There have been others who’ve fallen foul of equally troublesome fines. It’s a warning for anyone making the same assumptions that haven’t been brought into the fray just yet.

The time is now for data privacy software companies to step in and show the appropriate organizations the best way to stay on top and in charge. For those of you who aren’t sure whether your current data management is up to the job, it’s time you ran some data-mapping exercises and checked your policies. Alternatively, buying into a service that already understands and works to the new regulations should take a huge weight and a lot of work off your shoulders.

With clean and clear updates into the latest and upcoming privacy laws, isn’t it worth developing some new best practices to avoid any penalties, and overloads to your existing teams and their workloads?

Benefits of operating multi-tenant operations and software


A single server contained on secure hardware creates fewer opportunities for infiltration or unwanted access.


One multi-tenant installation incurs a simpler, single cost as opposed to that of multiple independent installations, services, and licenses. Cutting down on associated overheads: equipment, housing, IT resources, and sharing the single cost over many businesses, will offer even greater value by spreading the expense over all of your accounts.

Data aggregation/data mining

One of the key benefits of a multi-tenant operation is that data from multiple sources is managed, searched, and edited from a single administration point. Running queries becomes far simpler, patterns easier to detect, and plans for the future become easier to implement, track, and monitor.

Easy integration with other cloud-based operations

Hosting a single data arena over a cloud environment dictates that integration with other software services and APIs suddenly becomes far simpler to manage.

Benefits of using PrivacyRun to manage your multi-family data privacy requests

Let’s take a quick look at what PrivacyRun does for all of its users.

As the framework around data protection expands, you need to be able to guarantee compliance with each of the governing bodies.

PrivacyRun handles the intake and fulfilment of customer requests around those data privacy rules and regulations. It keeps you within the law, it’s easy to use, and it delivers the peace of mind you need to get on with the rest of your operation.

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What makes PrivacyRun special for its multi-tenant operators?

The extensive authorization that PrivacyRun operates on provides the ability to support multiple entities in one business model, in one installation, while ensuring full separation of data at the authorization level.

Let’s dig a little deeper. Here are some of the key components that make it a standout package for multi-tenant operation.

So—when you need to create amendments; you can. When you need to generate reports detailing your plans and where you stand; you can. When you need to opt-out any individual from any of your associated organizations or update their information; you can do that too.

And that’s not all. You can track consent, avoid unauthorized data sales, review, manage and update your data policies in line with regulations. If you have an operation to carry out to any of your data, we’ve got it covered. PrivacyRun is everything you need to conform to the latest legislation governing your data efficiently, with masses of automation to streamline your workflow better than ever, and with all of your data sets under one roof.

We think we’ve thought of everything. If there’s something you need and it isn’t covered, let us know, and we’ll get right onto it.

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Who is PrivacyRun made for?

Ultimately, PrivacyRun can aid any organization that needs to stay true to data privacy laws.

Our clients include retail operations, cooperative banks, insurance companies, and more.

And these are all business models that utilize our multi-tenant installation to their advantage.

In these instances, we’ve created platforms that manage multiple client areas for:

That’s how we can help you too with data privacy

We’re still less than a year into abiding by the new ways of CCPA and only a little longer into GDPR. Over that time, we’ve seen confusion amongst businesses and organizations, and the delivery of easily avoidable fines.

If you collect data and believe you need to take note of the new ways into practising its management, then you shouldn’t leave it any longer.

Check your current systems. Examine your data; how you collect it; how easy it would be to access individual entries, package it up and deliver it to their owner. Do you hold the right to
share it? Should you be selling it? And have you got the capacity to process masses of data requests if you suddenly become inundated at any point in your operation?

It would help if you were certain you could operate efficiently, legally, securely, and in line with current policy.

PrivacyRun was built to help. Don’t struggle along in the dark. Shine some light into your system. You’ll be glad of the peace of mind and the freedom it brings.

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